CareMalta donated €4,850 to Hospice Malta in a bid to support the NGO’s campaign to raise funds for the completion of St Michael Hospice in Santa Venera – a new 16-bedroomed complex which will offer a range of palliative care services in the community.
The presentation also coincided with the Vassallo Group’s 75th anniversary, which it is celebrating this year and was held at Villa Amodeo, the chairman’s office in Mosta.
Nazzareno Vassallo, chairman of the Vassallo Group, presented the donation to Kenneth Delia, CEO of Hospice Malta, in the presence of James Sciriha, a director of CareMalta, and Andrew Zammit, Hospice Malta’s chief relations officer.
The initiative to support Hospice Malta was the idea of Robert von Brockdorff, a director of CareMalta, who is raising funds in the name of Rotary Club Malta in order to assist with furnishing this worthwhile project.
“A fellow colleague and director, Robert asked me if we were ready to cover the furniture costs for one of the 16 bedrooms at Hospice Malta’s new project. Of course, we welcomed his wonderful idea straight away – as an appreciative gesture to his unfailing service to CareMalta over the past 30 years, as part of our group’s sense of corporate social responsibility and also as a sign of respect and admiration for a project that reflects very much our own work in the care sector,” Mr Vassallo said.
Formerly known as Cini Institute, the newly refurbished site will serve as Hospice Malta’s main premises and is expected to further enhance the already established services that the NGO has been offering over the past 32 years.
St Michael Hospice will also house an in-patient palliative care unit complementing all the other services for a more comprehensive approach. The present-day therapy services will be expanded and a number of out-patient clinics will also be introduced. The new complex will also enhance its educational wing, which will open up a number of opportunities to exchange expertise with other hospices across Europe and beyond.
Those wishing to donate towards Hospice Malta’s may visit https://hospicemalta.org/st-michael-hospice/.