Facility manager at Villa Messina, Robert Grech, holding the gold award in the presence of CareMalta CEO Natalia Briffa Farrugia and director of finance, James Sciriha (right), with (from left) lead carer Renata Zahra, Joanna Farrugia, facility administrative assistant, housekeeper Romina Apap, assistant facility manager Nicolette Sant and head chef John Sciberras after the presentation.

CareMalta recently presented the 2019 Quality Assurance Audit Awards to facility managers and staff members at each of its nine residential homes for the elderly.

Being leaders in care since 1993, the group caters for more than 1,600 residents and employs a workforce of around 1,200 people.

The detailed home audits assess all the operational and quality aspects that affect the provision of care and support to all residents within a CareMalta-operated home. All care homes already offer a high standard of care to residents. However, every year, these awards serve to encourage management teams and their staff to score even higher marks than previous years, in all areas of their work, to improve service beyond the expected standards.

Managers and their teams at Villa Messina in Rabat and Mellieħa home were ecstatic to score gold this time round, as this means that the service at these homes is of top-notch quality – a value close to CareMalta’s heart. Both managers, Amanda Tonna, from the Mellieħa home, and Robert Grech, of Villa Messina, were very emotional during the award presentation.

This year, no bronze awards were presented, only gold and silver, with all the nine homes receiving an award, which augurs well for the high level of care offered to the residents.

Casa Arkati in Mosta, Roseville in Attard, Casa Marija in Sliema, Casa San Paolo in Buġibba, as well as the Żejtun and Cospicua homes and Zammit Clapp each obtained a silver award.

Natalie Briffa Farrugia, CEO of CareMalta, said the audit awards were targeted at improving the standards in all categories of operation within each home so that residents could enjoy the optimum level of care – across the board, in terms of administration, front office, food, nursing care, maintenance works or housekeeping.

Addressing facility managers and their teams, she said: “Quality is CareMalta’s most cherished core value, so it is only natural that we offer the very best of care to our residents. The excellent results obtained clearly show the importance all of you give to the quality of care you provide to our residents on a daily basis in all the homes we operate.”


Amanda Tonna, facility manager at the Mellieħa home, CareMalta CEO Natalie Briffa Farrugia and James Sciriha, director of finance, with all the team members who worked hard to obtain the gold award.


After congratulating everyone on their achievements, Pio Vassallo, CEO of Vassallo Group, presented the gold and silver awards to each facility – represented by their respective teams.

James Sciriha, director of finance, praised the fact that all homes this year managed to obtain an award, pointing out that an overall improvement throughout all departments within each facility. This was a positive sign, he said, hoping that each home gets a gold in the next audits.

The company believes that the best investment it could make is in its human resources, through which the service is provided. For this reason, CareMalta provides training to all its employees on a regular basis, particularly to those who are directly involved in care.