
The beauty of being together

In a society which is more and more finding comfort in individualism, being part of a community is a rarity. This…

Self-care and well-being during challenging times

Before the pandemic many were talking about our hectic, frenetic, fast-paced and overly stressful lifestyle. Enter COVID-19 and suddenly our…

Pandemic fatigue and how to take charge of your well-being

A United Nations policy brief published earlier on in the pandemic warned that the COVID-19 crisis was not simply a…

It is finally time to look ahead

In our busy lives it’s very rare to take some time to stop and think. I believe in living in…

Just like sports, we need to be positive, so that positive things happen

During the pandemic, the most resonating word or phrase on everyone’s mind was probably well-being. How do we regenerate the…


We often think about well-being in terms of physical health, but it is so much more! Well-being is a concoction…

It’s time to choose science over fear

Never has the well-being of older persons been put to the test as much as during this unprecedented pandemic. “COVID-19…

The human spirit is bigger than this pandemic

Hot on the heels of a pandemic year, Natalie Briffa Farrugia was ever so determined to set up a well-being…

Determination, dedication and perseverance are key

Fifty-three years ago, Zaren Vassallo was taught never to put all his eggs in one basket. All his working life,…