The Hon. Evarist Bartolo, Minister for Education and Employment, accompanied by Parliamentary Secretary, Dr Clifton Grima and Permanent Secretary Dr Frank Fabri visited the Intensive ABA Program for children with Autism Spectrum Disorder run by Hand in Hand Ltd at Casa Apap Bologna in Mosta.
Hand in Hand Ltd, a partnership between Hand in Hand Malta and CareMalta Group offers ABA Therapy for children who have a diagnosis of Autism. Research has been showing that utilizing methods based on Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA), to be highly effective for children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). Services include teaching verbal behaviour, social skills, independent living skills and problem behaviour reduction.
The team of highly qualified professionals is dedicated to improving the lives of children and families. Hand in Hand offers parent training, full or part-time intervention, school consultation, and IEP development, support, Speech therapy and Occupational Therapy. All therapy plans are overseen by a fully qualified Behaviour Analyst who has obtained her qualification from the Queen’s University in Belfast.
Studies have shown that ABA is effective in teaching new skills and reducing problem behaviour. Other studies have found that intensive ABA implemented more than 20 hours per week and begun early in life, prior to the age of 4, produces large gains in development and reduces the need for special services.
Earlier on this year, Jacqueline Abela DeGiovanni CEO and Behaviour Analyst of Hand in Hand Ltd, Natalie Briffa Farrugia, CareMalta CEO, Christian Vassallo, Director of Vassallo Group and Janet Silvio, Executive Director of HILA visited ABA schools in Ireland. The objective of this visit was to look into ways of offering more intensive ABA therapy on our island. Following this visit, Hand in Hand started offering Intensive ABA were children receive 20 hours of ABA per week. This summer eighteen children are benefiting from this Intensive ABA Therapy. The children are aged between 3 years and 6 years old. The goal for Hand in Hand is to continue offering this program all year round.
For further information about ABA Programs kindly get in touch by email on info@handinhandmalta.com or call on 79305404.