Casa San Paolo in Buġibba recently unveiled Everlasting Memories, a sculpture in limestone by artist Jennings Falzon – as part of the Zaren Vassallo Art (ZVART) initiative launched by the Vassallo Group to celebrate its 75th anniversary.
Finished in October, the 1m x 70cm figurative piece was commissioned by CareMalta, the group’s largest subsidiary.
Throughout his art studies, figurative sculpture has remained Falzon’s primary interest. In fact, his work often demonstrates dramatic and allegorical influences from Greek mythology and classical sculpture from the 16th and 17th centuries, focusing on spirituality, hope, redemption, life, death and afterlife. These emotions and symbolisms in the artist’s work are exploited innovatively through the use of various materials and do not limit him to one medium.
The idea to create Everlasting Memories originated from a crafts project by Gaetano d’Amico, president of the residents’ committee at Casa San Paolo, who is always willing to lend the home’s management team a helping hand with activities and events. Through this work, Falzon portrays the concept of everlasting memories of loved ones, family and friends – which form part of the identity of each resident.
The sculpture, carved out of natural local limestone, features an alto relief landscape in a frame and a couple in a beautiful location watching the sunrise.
Present at the unveiling ceremony were Nazzareno Vassallo, chairman of the Vassallo Group, Mario Debattista, a CareMalta senior management team member, Charlo Bonnici, chairperson of the ZVART committee, committee members Joe Saliba and Stephen Borg, as well as the management team and residents at Casa San Paolo.